你想设计一款 上帝视角游戏 么?你可以立即开始你的项目,Prodigy Game Framework使用功能齐全且可缩放的角色,这些橘色拥有属性、武器、存货和更多的东西。
Instantly stArt your project with fully functional and scaling Characters that use abilities, Weapons, inventories and more!
Unity版本 | 内置渲染管道 | 通用渲染管道(URP) | 高清渲染管道(HDRP) |
2021.3.2f1 | 兼容 | 兼容 | 兼容 |
所有演示内容完全是内置的渲染管道。除了卡通着色器之外,您可以轻松地将材质自动升级到非标准 SRP。
NOTE: All Demo Content is entirely BUIlt-in Render Pipeline. You can auto-upgrade materials to your non-standard SRP easily except for the Toon shader.
Prodigy是一个游戏框架,可以很方便的设计 上帝视角射击游戏!为您的Top Down、ARPG和Hack-N-Slash项目提供了所需的基础。它从一开始就在易用性和高度可扩展性之间取得了巧妙的平衡,所以你将会在短时间内走上开发之路。
Prodigy is a Game Framework that provides the foundation you need for your Top Down, ARPG and Hack-N-Slash projects. It’s built from the ground up to be a smart balance between an easy-to-use and highly-scalable so you’ll be taking the ascent to publishing in no time!
Download the Windows Standalone build of the included demo here!在这里下载包含演示的Windows单机版!
With Prodigy you’ll be able to design and create a bastion of characters which where can configure stats, level up, hold inventories, change equipment, interact with shops, use skills, swing swords, and travel on whatever path of exile you set them on!
我们与TriForge、ArchanorVFX和Cafofo合作,为你带来了一个用资产商店的真实内容制作的内置演示 享受Polygon Arsenal特效包的预览,令人惊叹的Top Down Fantasy Forest环境包和Cafofo音频库的惊人声音。
We collaborated with TriForge, ArchanorVFX and Cafofo to bring you a built in demo made with real content from the Asset Store! Enjoy a preview of the Polygon Arsenal special effects kit, the stunning Top Down Fantasy Forest environment pack and the amazing sounds of Cafofo’s audio library.
一旦你拥有了Prodigy并进入枪械库,你就可以在他们的资产商店页面上免费获得一大堆Cleverous的资产! 看看这些资产吧。
Once you own Prodigy and enter the gungeon, you can get a whole bunch of Cleverous assets for free by clAIming them on their asset store page! Check them out:
Vault Core, Vault Inventory, Vault Attributes, Zed, Stylized Fantasy Character Pack
你是否厌倦了为你的内容在编辑器项目层次结构中挖来挖去?好消息是,有了Prodigy,你可以在Dashboard中设计一切,让运行时组件来处理剩下的事情 只需最小的设置,你就可以在短时间内让一般的或人形的敌人带着步枪运行。
Are you tired of digging around the Editor Project Hierarchy gauntlet for your content? Well good news, with Prodigy you can just design everything in the Dashboard and let the runtime components handle the rest! With minimal setup you can have generic or humanoid enemies running with rifles in no time.
如果你一直在寻找替换方案,寻找适合你的游戏套件,那就不要再看了!释放你的创造力,开始成为一个有创造力的人。释放你的创造力,开始成为你想成为的月光族游戏开发者吧 接受泰坦任务,建立你的世界!这款游戏包含了大量的内容。这是一个充满了免费内容的演示,随时可以使用!
If you’ve been shuffling through game kits looking for the right one for you then look no further! Unlock your creative flow and start being the moonlighter Game Dev you want to be! Accept that titan qUEst and build your world! It’s slam packed with a demo full of free content ready to go!
在我们的Discord服务器上与其他像你一样的开发者一起在线! 如果你需要支持,对我们有想法,我们总是在我们的miami热线上听取你的意见! 我们也很乐意看到你所创造的东西,所以不要成为一个陌生人!
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