
本课程的构建方式与您过去可能尝试过的课程不同。它的设计不同是有原因的。我不仅向您展示如何,而且我解释了为什么。您不仅会学习如何创建高度详细的自行车模型,还会发现一个分步系统,可以在专业平上创建任何复杂的 3D 模型。


  • 21 小时以上的视频(实时播放)
  • 项目文件:蓝图、线框分解、场景文件。

A 21 hour video tutorial, taking a bicycle as an example, comprehensively explAIns the methods and techniqUEs of Maya hard modeling, and also explains the reasons for each step

This course is constructed in a different way than the courses you may have tried in the past. Its design is different for a reason. I not only show you how, but also explain why. You will not only learn how to create a highly detailed bicycle model, but also find a step-by-step system that can create any complex 3d model at a professional level.

The contents include:

More than 21 hours of video (real-time playback)

Project files: blueprints, wireframe decomposition, scene files

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