Candy Match 3 Kit是借助 Unity 开发三消游戏最齐备的工具。
【WebGL 演示】
• 可视化编辑器使用简便,无需任何编程知识即可更改游戏属性并创建自己的关卡。
• 支持多种游戏砖块(带连击)和助推器,可在游戏内购买。
针对移动设备的优化:UI 可适应不同的(肖像)分辨率进行缩放,可汇集游戏对象,将运行过程中产生的垃圾数量降至最低,大量使用 Sprite Atlas,从而减少绘制调用的次数。
• 内含 50 个独特关卡,供您开始设计自己的游戏。
• 可设置每日奖赏和转盘迷你游戏。
• 借助 Unity Ads 支持奖励广告。
• 借助 Unity IAP 支持应用程序内购买。
• ricimi 负责设计整套独特的图形、动画和特效。
• 内含完整且有详尽文档的C#源代码。
如果您对源文件也感兴趣,该开发包还包含所有图形的PNG 导出文件。至于 PSD 文件,您可在此处单独购买。
这一资源采用免费的Full Serializer 库(此处为许可证)和免费的LeanTween库(此处为许可证)。详情请参阅软件包中的Third-PArtyNotices.txt文件。
– Visual editor is easy to use and requires no programming knowledge to change game properties and create your own levels.
-Game bricks are pre-made, so Animations and other features can be included.
– SuppoRTS a wide range of game bricks (with combos) and boosters, which can be purchased in-game.
Optimized for mObile devices: UI scales to different (portrAIt) resolutions, can pool game objects, minimizes the amount of garbage generated during runtime, makes extensive use of Sprite Atlas, thus reducing the number of draw calls.
– Includes 50 uniqUE levels to start designing your own game.
– Set up daily rewards and CARousel minigames.
– Support for reward ads with Unity Ads.
– Support for in-app purchases with Unity IAP.
– ricimi is responsible for designing a complete set of unique graphics, animations and effects.
– Complete and well documented C# source code is included.
If you are also interested in the source files, the development kit also includes PNG export files for all graphics. For PSD files, you can purchase them separately here.
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